Ok, I promise this will be the last tomato post until next season:) My freezer is officially full now with many, many containers of yummy salsa, chili and pizza sauce from the crazy amount of tomatoes my garden produced this year. I am also overjoyed to report that I have 5 tomatoes left from my garden. Only 5!!
This super delicious pizza sauce recipe was a great way to use up the remainder and it’s relatively simple to make. However, it does require some simmering time for the sauce to reduce to about half and it freezes well.You will need to deseed your tomatoes. This is a pretty easy process. Cut each tomato into quarters and either use your spoon or your fingers (I find this much faster) to scoop out the watery, gelatinous seed goop into a bowl. This will be discarded. Use what’s left for this recipe.
Using a large stock pot, heat the oil over medium heat.
Saute pressed garlic for about a minute.
Add your fresh chopped, seeds tomatoes, salt, fresh basil leaves, oregano and sugar.
Allow it to simmer until it is thick and reduces by about half. The time it takes will depend on the tomatoes you have used but it took me about 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Use a high speed blender to briefly mix leaving some texture.
Scoop into freezable containers and freeze until needed. This made 6 containers for me.
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- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 head of garlic, peeled and pressed
- 18 cups of fresh tomatoes seeded and cubed
- 1.5- 1¾ tsp salt
- 20 fresh basil leaves
- 1.5 tsp dried oregano
- 1.5 tbsp sugar
- Using a large stock pot, heat the oil over medium heat.
- Saute pressed garlic for about a minute.
- Add your fresh tomatoes, salt, fresh basil leaves, oregano and sugar.
- Allow it to simmer until it is thick and reduces by about half. The time it takes will depend on the tomatoes you have used but it took me about 1 hour and 45 minutes.
- Use a high speed blender to briefly mix leaving some texture.